Village Bread Flour
By dint of Village Bread Flour, you can produce a bread full of flavor and quality! You can produce severally specific breads with this flour, which brings you together with the very special options of the villages that provide naturality and perfection.

Product features
- Ash Amount in Dry Matter Max. 0.60%
- Amount of Protein Min. % 13.0
- Packed on the basis of 14.5 humidity.
- Conforms to Turkish Food Codex wheat flour notification.
- Ascorbic acid and enzyme have been added.
You can discover what this flavor integrating the taste of bread with the naturality of the village will offer you with the following features.
It is quite appropriate for village ovens and tandooris,
It does not lose anything from its flavor even when exposed to high temperature,
Dough preparation and processing is quite simple,
Softness comes to the fore when the dough is kneaded by hand,
It is quite durable in standby,
Its aroma and flavor are quite impressive.
In order to crack the door to sevarally specific breads, you should definitely utilize the flavor of Brown Village Bread Flour.
Ambalaj : 50 kg - 25 kg
Ambalaj : 50 kg - 25 kg